馬來西亞的交通罰單有分為幾種,有警察的交通罰單、陸路交通局(JPJ)的交通罰單,也有市政局(Dewan Bandaraya)的交通罰單。每種交通罰單都有不同的罰款數額。

這裡帶你一起來看看,犯下哪些錯誤會收到 RM 300 的交通罰單、哪些又會收到RM 150、RM 70的交通罰單。

罰RM300的交通傳票 / Fined RM300 traffic summons


2。闖紅燈no stop at red light

3。不系安全帶not buckle up

4。使用緊急車道using emergency lane

5。雙線超車double line overtake

6。行駛中撥打手機use mobile while driving

7。使用左道超車overtake from left lane

8。阻礙車輛超車(menganggu kereta lain) overtake

9。在有停車指示牌的交叉口沒停did not stop at intersections which got stop sign罰RM150的交通傳票 / Fined RM150 traffic summons

1。停車阻礙交通parked blocking traffic

2。超載乘客over loaded passangers

3。司機沒有license/過期license. No driving license/license expired

4。不允許的地方做U-TURN. Make U-turn at no U-turn allowed

5。停在黃格上park at yellow box

6。在24小時以內駕駛貨車/羅里超過8小時in less than 24 hrs drive van/lorry over 8 hrs

7。右道慢行slow at right lane

罰RM100的交通傳票 / Fined RM100 traffic summons

1。車上藏有不當的東西(刀,鐵棍,木棍等等)possession impropriety things in car(knife, iron bar, wood stick,etc)2。離開車輛沒息引擎leave car without stop engine3。添油沒息引擎engines running while fueling4。大燈,剎車燈壞了沒修head light, pake light no repair

5。左右側視鏡壞了沒修poken side mirror no repair

罰RM70的交通傳票 / Fined RM70 traffic summons

1。車牌未經批准的類型unapproved car plate

2。遮擋車牌obscured car plate3。沒有車牌no car plate4。不合格/模煳的車牌Substandard/blurred car plate5。變換車道時沒給信號no signal changed lane

* 醉駕,罰最多RM2000/坐牢最多六個月drunk driving, Fined up to RM2000/jailed up to 6 mths

* 黑鏡/墨鏡(粘隔熱膜),罰最多RM500/坐牢最多兩個星期tinted/sun glass(tinted), Fined up to RM500/jailed up to 2 weeks

