長痘痘是件令人煩心的事,來大姨媽長痘、吃頓重口味火鍋長痘、有時明明吃飯睡覺都很規律,也會長痘。其實痘痘反映的是身體病症,不同部位的痘痘成因不同,只有了解原因才能對症下藥。下面來看看雪梨皮膚專家艾瑪•哈伯森(Emma Hobson)對於額頭、下巴、臉頰、眉間、T區以及脖子等部位長痘原因的分析吧。


We are often told that eating well and staying hydrated helps with skin care but you may not know that dehydration and a bad diet might play out on your forehead.人們總是說,良好的飲食、保持水分有助於護理皮膚,但是你也許不知道,脫水和不健康的飲食可能是額頭長痘的原因。

'This area is believed to be linked to the stomach and bladder so pimples here can indicate an unhappy gut,' skin expert Emma Hobson explained.皮膚專家艾瑪•哈伯森解釋稱:「據信這一區域和胃部、膀胱有關,所以額頭長痘可能意味著腸胃不健康。」

'That could be from a poor diet, stress or food intolerances - or even from not drinking enough water.'「起因可能是飲食習慣不良、壓力或者食物耐受不良,甚至沒有攝入充足的水分。」


As many teenagers may know the chin is the main hormonal breakout zone.許多青少年應該知道下巴是內分泌痘痘主要爆發的區域。

These breakouts can hit during major hormonal moments such as when you're a teenager, during your period and possibly during changes in your 20s and 30s.在青少年時期、經期以及二三十歲之間等激素分泌旺盛的年齡,痘痘可能會在下巴大爆發。

'The chin is also linked to the large intestine, so food allergies and a poor diet might also be a factor,' said Emma.艾瑪稱:「下巴和大腸有關係,所以食物過敏以及不良飲食可能是下巴長痘的原因。」

'Adding more fibre and water to your diet can help.'「多攝入纖維和水分能夠有所幫助。」


Emma stated that break outs on the cheeks are often linked to irritation in your lungs.艾瑪說,臉頰上爆痘與肺部炎症有關。

'It's common to see more of this in springtime, when people are affected by the pollen in the air.「這在春天是常見現象,因為空氣中的花粉對人們產生了影響。」

'Pollution can also upset your lungs and then wreak havoc on your skin, as can household cleaners.'「家用清潔劑造成的污染也會損害肺部,導致皮膚受損。」


She went on to say that the area between your brows is called the 'wine and dine' area.艾瑪還表示,眉頭間的區域被稱為「吃喝區」。

'Blemishes here can indicate issues with the liver, and could be a result of too many glasses of wine or eating late at night, particularly rich foods.「眉間長痘意味著肝臟可能有問題,也可能是因為飲酒過度或者深夜進食,特別是油膩的食物。」

'Lactose intolerance could also be to blame.'「乳糖不耐受也是一個原因。」

To help clear this area it is best to avoid alcohol and rich foods but if that doesn't help it could be time to assess your reaction to dairy.為了讓額頭不長痘,最好避免酒精以及油膩的食物,但是如果這麼做沒有幫助的話,也許是時候去評估一下你對乳製品的反應了。


As previously reported by Daily Mail, breakouts in your T-zone can be linked to the liver and the stomach.正如《每日郵報》此前報導的一樣,T區爆痘和肝臟以及胃有關係。

This is another area linked to dehydration, alcohol and greasy food as the T-zone is sensitive to the build-up of toxins.這一區域也與脫水、酒精以及油膩的食物有關,因為T區對身體積累的毒素很敏感。

Fats and oils used in food can lead to a stomach imbalance and alcohol can affect the acid in your stomach.食物中的油脂會導致胃部失和,酒精會影響胃酸。


Unfortunately for those that get their period this region is linked to different moments in your menstrual cycle.對於來月經的人來說,不幸的是這一區域和月經周期的不同時刻有關。

If you are not getting enough fibre in your diet then this is another contributing factor.沒有攝入足夠的纖維也是唇部爆痘的原因。

The pill often helps deal with uncontrollable pimples as well as increasing your fibre intake.口服避孕藥以及增加纖維攝入量通常有助於治療失控的痘痘。


These days we seem to be getting busier and busier, with a work and life balance being more difficult to maintain.現如今,我們似乎變得越來越忙碌,更加難以維持工作和生活的平衡。

If you are getting pimples in these three areas then it is most likely due to stress and a lack of sleep.如果你在這三個區域冒痘,那麼很可能是由於壓力和睡眠不足造成的。

To combat this ensure you are having at least seven hours of sleep a night and increase your water intake to eight glasses a day.為了對抗這些地方的痘痘,每天的睡眠時間至少要達到7個小時,飲水量要增加至8杯。


The neck isn't the most common pimple area and getting one here could link to illness.頸部是痘痘最罕見的區域,這裡長痘可能和疾病有關係。

Those with an under-active thyroid have lower levels of progesterone which causes breakouts as progesterone is key in fighting acne.甲狀腺功能不活躍,孕酮水平較低是長痘的原因,孕酮是對抗痘痘的關鍵激素。

If you're concerned with the fact that you have pimples on your neck you may need to go to your doctor.如果你對脖子上長痘痘有所顧慮,那麼需要去看醫生。
