
日前,一名女子 Michelle 和其老公從交往至如今結婚生兒育女已經11年了,而今天也是他們故事的結尾。據她所表示,他們倆從2013年開始結婚至今,一直以來懶散的她竟然盡責地把母親和老婆的本份辦好,家庭主婦應該做的一切她也做了。除了家務以外,就連老公自己公司事務也幫忙,但老公明顯沒有一丁點的感激之心,反而還埋怨她穿著不體面無法帶她出去見人,最讓人氣惱的是老公還這麼說:“我做錯了什麼,不就和女子擁抱和親吻,你可千萬不能生氣和吃醋,你應該學我朋友的老婆般開通!即使你和別的男子擁抱親吻,我也不會生氣的!”

路遙知馬力,日久見人心。隨著日子一天一天地過去,老公對 Michelle 已經越來越淡,幾乎已經到了無法挽回的地步。直到有一天 Michelle 發現老公有外遇,而且還要是一位她認識和信任的女子!而老公竟然下流得即使在家庭旅行的歡樂時間裡,也不忘回復小三的信息,和其報告蹤影! 最終兩人走上離婚的路途。



▼離婚後男子臉書上的關於小三的貼文,完全不把 MICHELLE 放在眼裡,而小三也出來留言!

▼以下是 MICHELLE 的長文


Me and this man that whom i deeply love for 11yrs came to an end. Because of money and because of women, all the lies, actions and stories will never end. This is a real live part of the stories with no lies and no edit. Base on real true story; me, in my share and he, in his share. Let enjoy reading!!!

Im 28(29)yrs old. Me and this man relationship lasted for 11yrs, we had our marriage on 2013 because of our first child. Before that he even establish his own enterprise. On that very year onward he slowly change. Unnoticeable and unaware of the changes. No matter who the people/friends he mix with, that’s where the changes falls.

On the 26/12/2017, i left and got kick out from the house by his lies. All his bullshit excuse, lies after lies and stories which didn’t existed and exist, one after another, there’s no stopping.

This man whom i once loved, for 11yrs. Change from bad to worst. A rubbish that can’t be recycle.

I never ever and didn’t even let go of that love for this man. The love which can die for, worth and the sake for this man. Every single shit for this man but too bad i can’t help and provide him in his financial.

“Do you know, it’s embarrassing to ping you out on special event as like meeting with a client or going out with my friends.””I don’t like your appearance, the way you dress, your hair and the way you look.””Why do i need to change? I didn’t do anything wrong!””If i take pictures with girls kissing or hugging, you cannot be jealous and cannot be angry!””You must be open like my friend’s wife!””I don’t get jealous nor angry if you and other mens kissing or hugging!””I give you chances but you don’t appreciate!””My heart for you 50%, Ok then 70%!””Even though we separate, we still can be together but i don’t know how to love and pull back our relationship together!””You do so much for me, i don’t know how to let you go.””If i still give you a chance, i don’t know how what to do cause i promise that girl already, it’s so hard for me to decide and choose but i promise the girl dy.””This WhatsApp group mainly said dy, this group not allow to ping trouble, not allow to fall in love with each other.””I give you a chance but you push me away and you hurt me by calling me Rubbish.””I don’t love you any more, no feelings already.”These are the words he told me before i left the house and after i left through WhatsApp.

First of all let me make this fucking clear, with all this fucking nonsense and bullshit.

I have love this man for 11yrs and till the very end 31/12/2017. I did and done everything fucking shit for this man and after i left, i even do fucking shit for him, his company paper work which i set in a pendrive for him, wash and collect his cloths, buy his cream, body soap, ear budds, notified the insurance agent to remind him to make his payment, notified the house tenant to remind him to make his payment, order every fucking shit in places for him easy to place, easy to grab and easy to use and the most stupid thing is, i take a screenshot of his bank details, print, cut, paste and translate in Mandarin and convert all by hand, pieces by pieces, writing by writing. My heart didn’t and never change.

No matter who ever he has been mixing with, his character is like rubbish. He has no limits and priority. His thinking and mentality is not a marry type, a family man, a husband and a father.

He felt in love with this bitch when we had our first family trip to Melaka. Every day and night messaging and reporting his everyday in what he do, where he go and what he buys.When we argued, he russ straight to the bitch house and take her to clinic to see a doctor! When i was sick, where were you? When your kids were sick, where were you? And you wanna know what was his excuse

because that time we argued and i was stress, and she has no one close around her and her boyfriend were to far to reach, that was his fucking excuse for the bitch. And i ask, when i was sick, what is you excuse? We didn’t argued but where were you, when i needed you?! Where were you, when i needed you? Except for my car accident, Yes he was there but the rest of everything….Every night always going out with that bitch which he claim that he treat her as his sister. Ya right!

 Seriously, i was so damn fucking stupid, foolish enough to believe him.

He gave a stupid excuse the reason why he doesn’t love me anymore cause first was about my oldest daughter, second was my son and third was because of his first time he went poke, he totally drop dead by bankrupt, he wants to be come fearless and he will never trust anybody around him, his wife and himself. This are all his bullshit excuse never ending. Yes! I am lazy but i fulfill my job as a wife and as a mother!

He hate my appearance, i change my hair colour for him, cut my hair for him and toke out every of my signature sign that i wore, all because for him and why is that?! Cause to him, he don’t like it mean he don’t like! I need to change for him and because of him but “Why do i need to change, i didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t need to change, but you must change!” that’s was what he said.

I know myself more than he knows me!

I know I’m lazy with the room chores but i do and did my duty as a wife and as a mother. Provide, buying and giving you the need, the attention, the care and the love to and for you! I never ask anything more or else! A Thank you from heart, NO!. For him buying thing is loving me but he don’t understand what i want that money can’t buy!

This bitch whom i treated as a friend and whom i trusted. If you say it’s not a betrayal, then what it is?

And this man eager to get a Divorce and eager to sign the paper pushing me to the very edge . Everything is to his liking and wanting . This man said that bitch mentality is mature . For him my mentality is like a child. I didn’t and haven’t sign the paper yet and he have sign it as if it’s official. A bitch and a busted never think the most valuable is the kids.This bitch and him can rote in hell for all i care!

On the day when i left , he didn’t even want to turn things back. I was foolish and stupid for falling for it!

Now 2018, im not that stupid and foolish any more! Cause i have people around me and my kids, they pought me back to life! Good bye Suckers!
